Sunday 22 June 2014


Hey there, I hope you all had a good weekend. Well, I was actually thinking that my next post would be something about DIY, but instead I ended up writing this. Let me back you up a bit. I am generally an organised person (not with an OCD, though!!!), I just like knowing where I have my things. Also, I find it more efficient (goes without saying!!!). It feels great to be like this. But honestly, at times, it gets monotonous. Yeah, even being organised gets repetitive after a while!!!!.. In addition, I like doing two things at a time, like listening to music while I draw something, surf the net while I watch a movie, etc. Today was one such day for me where I wanted to do nothing…seriously, nothing…While I did not do nothing, by the evening I was feeling entirely bored….World-weary would be a more appropriate term. And I did not know how to tackle that. So, I just got out into the balcony while sipping tea, and for some moments I did nothing (Although, the idea of this post originated at that moment itself!!!)..It was drizzling outside, and I felt the raindrops falling on me, looked up at the sky, saw the starless sky with its clouds floating by. And I stood there sipping tea. Yes, actually, a blank head and a black starless sky!!! It must have been hardly more than five minutes, but those moments were pure bliss. When I re-entered my room after this small but amazing bit, I felt rejuvenated. And so I have made a promise to myself that even if I am into doing two things at a time, I will make sure that every day , for only a while maybe, I will do only one thing at a time, even if it is the most trivial thing, like painting my nails or something.
So, to all my organised and multi-tasking friends out there, if you are reading this, and have ever gone through a phase like I have, try taking a “one thing at a time” break like I did. It did wonders for me. I hope it does the same for you.

Lots of Love,


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